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Abelian Mainnet Database

Mainnet Data Directory Default Path

The default location of the Abec mainnet data directory in Abelian Desktop Wallet Legacy v4.1.1 is as follows:

%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Abelian Wallet\Abec\mainnet
~/Library/Application Support/Abelian Wallet/Abec/mainnet


The Abelian Desktop Wallet Legacy v4.2.0 no longer uses Abec to synchronize mainnet data, so there is no need to download this data package anymore.

Files list:(A total of 13 zip archives)


Extract Mainnet Data zip files

Desktop Wallet for Windows

  1. Close and exit Windows Desktop Wallet Client;
  2. Place the downloaded 13 files in the same directory;
  3. Use 7zip software to open the file, Extract the mainnet directory and overwrite it to the default path;
  4. Restart Windows Desktop Wallet Client,Click "sync Mainnet".

Desktop Wallet for macOS

  1. Close and exit the macOS desktop wallet;
  2. Place the 13 downloaded files in the same directory and perform the extraction:
# Install 7zip using brew on macOS
$ brew install p7zip
# Extract the files
$ 7z x
  1. Move the extracted "mainnet" directory and overwrite it to the default location:
mv -f mainnet ~/Library/Application\ Support/Abelian\ Wallet/Abec/
  1. Restart the macOS desktop wallet and click on "Sync Mainnet".

Full Node for Linux

  1. Stop full node process abec or abectl
  2. Place the downloaded 13 files in the same directory, and execute the extract command:
# Taking Ubuntu or Debian as examples, to install 7zip
$ apt install p7zip-full
# Extract the compressed package
$ 7z x
  1. Move the mainnet directory and overwrite it to the default path:
mv -f mainnet ~/.abec/data/
  1. restart full node.



Please note the date of data update; updated compressed packages cannot be mixed with old ones!