Abelian Miner FAQ
Abelminer Issues
QUESTION Abelminer reports an error "No connection. Mining paused."
Running abelmner on Linux reports an error that it cannot connect and exits. The log is:
abelminer No connection. Suspend mining ...
abelminer No more connctions to try. Exiting...
main Got interrupt...
Please add the following option to the /etc/sysctl.conf
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65535
Then run sysctl -p
and restart the system.
QUESTION Abelminer Error: This device hasn't enough memory available.
Running abelmner on Linux reports an error that it cannot connect and exits. The log is:
Epoch 50 requires 5.66 GB memory
This device hasn't enough memory available. Mining suspended.
Just as the first line of the log suggests, the Epoch 50 stage requires 5.66 GB of VRAM, plus system usage, a graphics card with 6GB of VRAM cannot participate in mining.
For more detailed explanations, please view AMD graphics cards issues or NVIDIA graphics cards issues
QUESTION How to mine ABEL on HiveOS?
You can view to our official mining pool website, which includes Ubuntu/Debian/HiveOS mining manuals and helper scripts. For video tutorials, please visit our YouTube channel.